Thursday, September 30, 2021

Agustin's Introduction

 Hello, my name is Agustín Jaffre and I'm 16 years old.I'm in fourth year of I.T at the Instituto Politécnico Superior. I enjoy playing videogames at night with my friends, practicing different sports such as basketball or tennis. My favourite hobbies are study programation, reading comics and watch memes in my social networks, like Instagram and Twitter. In my school we have a lot of advantages and disadvantages. To start of with, we have a huge timetable with some classical subjects like “Maths” and “Languaje” and some special classes such as “Programation” and “Basic Instalation of Software”, so we don't have too much free time than expected, we have to spend many hours to study for our exams. However, a good advantage of Politecnico is that the school is very big and a lot of students go there, so we usually have a lot of friends to spend time with.Another benefit of it is that the theachers are very cool and nice so we have fun with them besides they are very dedicated. The best thing of all, is that in our free time, we can go outside to have lunch in restaurants and fast food places or go for a walk around the center of Rosario.It's very interesting and beautiful. Anways, for some of the students like me, the school is really far from my house.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Agus, my name is Agustin too, i study programming and im training to be a firefighter at station 6 "San José de Flores" , it's tiring but I like it, i play videogames with friends in the night too in particular Counter Strike Global Offensive, although it does not seem, English is the most difficult subject. the best subject is maths, in workshop all subjects are easy for me because we program a lot and I listen to music of Lit Killah.



School Tour

 Hey fellas!  It's super nice to see your school. You're invited to see ours now: Both schools look beautiful to me, but I can see m...