Thursday, September 30, 2021

Meet 4th year IPS Rosario


Welcome to our blog!

Hello everyone, my name is Clara Catani and I am the teacher at IPS Rosario. I have been a teacher at IPS for six years and I love working here!

Our school is really big and crowded since there are more than one thousand students. We'll share pics of the school in this project. 

I love teaching and travelling. In my free time, I enjoy meeting my friends and playing with my son. 

We have lessons every Thursday afternoon and we work really hard ðŸ’ª

I'm so eager to start this project! Are you ready? 

Santiago's Introduction

 Hi everyone. I'm Santiago Polverini and I'm 16 years old.

I'm studying informatics in the Politecnico. I like programming (when I know something) and learning about PC's. Out of school I like playing videogames and physical activities but I don't do the second so much. I prefer staying at my home enjoying a rain and a cold weather.


One advantage of this school is that it has a high level of education but it can also be a disadvantage because we spend so much of our time studying or directly at school.


Greetings to all, goodbye.

Franco's Introduction

 Hi, I'm Franco Lembo and I'm 16 years old.

To begin with, this year I started the four year where I'm doing the technical degree in “Professional and Personal Informatics”,  here they teach us about programming in C, the parts of the PC, and how the computers connect between them.

One advantage of the high school is that it offers a vey big variety of subjects, and one disadvantage is that we don't have much free time because we are always doing homework o studying for a test.

In my free time, I like to play videogames in my PC, every kind of games from MOBA to graphic histories and I like watching series and movies. My favorite actor is Ryan Reynolds, however in this last week, I didn't have much of time to play because all the exams I have to do. Also this year for first time I particiting at the OIA (Olimpiada Argentina de Informatica).

Pedro's Introduction

 Hello! My name is Pedro Zelada. I´m 16 years old and I go to Instituto Politecnico Superior school, I´m from San Lorenzo than it´s a city around Rosario so it´s a long travel go to school. But the fact is thatb I love the school, it is so big and they came a lot of students so it´s normal know new persons and make new friends, the disadvantage it´s than we spend a lot of time inside the school but very comfortable the relation with our teachers, they are so well in their job so you can enjoy all the classes

Agustin's Introduction

 Hello, my name is Agustín Jaffre and I'm 16 years old.I'm in fourth year of I.T at the Instituto Politécnico Superior. I enjoy playing videogames at night with my friends, practicing different sports such as basketball or tennis. My favourite hobbies are study programation, reading comics and watch memes in my social networks, like Instagram and Twitter. In my school we have a lot of advantages and disadvantages. To start of with, we have a huge timetable with some classical subjects like “Maths” and “Languaje” and some special classes such as “Programation” and “Basic Instalation of Software”, so we don't have too much free time than expected, we have to spend many hours to study for our exams. However, a good advantage of Politecnico is that the school is very big and a lot of students go there, so we usually have a lot of friends to spend time with.Another benefit of it is that the theachers are very cool and nice so we have fun with them besides they are very dedicated. The best thing of all, is that in our free time, we can go outside to have lunch in restaurants and fast food places or go for a walk around the center of Rosario.It's very interesting and beautiful. Anways, for some of the students like me, the school is really far from my house.

Manuel's Introduction


My name is Manuel Noviski, I'm 17 years old and I'm studying at Instituto Politecnico Superior in 4th year of IC. I like playing the guitar and the piano, playing football and videogames with my friends and programming codes. The school is amazing if you like technichal stuff, maybe is kind of difficult but I love going every morning because the classes are very interesting.

Advantagees of the school: I learned a lot of things, I made a lot of friends, the classes are very interesting and the place is beautiful.

Disadvantagees of the school: I don't have much free time and the tests are stressfull.

Iara's introduction

 Hi! my name is iara suarez, I'm 16 years old,and i go to politecnico an d i have chemistry in the city of roasrio I love to do gymnastics, I have to go to the club every day, from 2pm to 6pm, i know thats so much time, but i like it . Also i like to play some videogames, watching videos in internet, and go to the park whith my friends from the club and the school   

one advntage of the institute are a lot of variety of especialities and their subjets and a negative aspect maybe be a lot of time do i have to spend in the stablishment.

Santiago's Introduction

 Hi! My name is Santiago Gimenez, I'm 16 years old. I live in the city of Rosario. I'm in fourth year of IT at the Instituto Politécnico Superior. My favourites hobbies are training and listening to music. Usually, I'm very occupied with homework and studying for exams, but, in my free time, I enjoy playing videogames, spending time with my friends and seeing memes on social media. My favourite music genders are rock, pop and indie rock and my favourite artists are “The drums”, “Cage the elephant” and “The cure”. One advantage of going to the Politécnico is that I study what I really like, but a big disadvantage is that I live far from there so I have to wake up early every morning to get there in time.

Alan's Introduction

 Hi, my name is Alan Rodriguez, I'm sixteen years old and I'm in fourth year of Chemistry. I chose Chemistry as a degree because I like to make reactions and undertstand their applications in industry. I like videogames such as Minecraft, Bioshock 1 and Metro's saga. The first one is the only that I play regularly in free servers. I also like to ride my bike in Puerto Norte or La Florida and stay there for a bit. I also play basketball and other sports.

I think that one of the best advantages of my school is that it has a very fruitful environment of debate in which the point of view of every person is respected.

And one of the disadvantages for me is that the access to Wi-Fi is so limitated that I have to go to the first floor to connect  to the Internet.

Lucas's Introduction

 Hi, I'm Lucas Lamberti, I'm 16 years old and I'm in fourth year of IT. I like listening to music, playing videogames and programming. I really like videogames like Minecraft, Deltarune,TBOI and, in general, adventure, RPG and action games, I play them almost every day but sometimes I might have a test so I would rather study for it that doing anything else.

I also study English outside the school, so I have a little bit of knowledge about it.

I personally think that one advantages of my school is that it has a high level of education because to enter this school, you need to pass an exam that it is to prove you have a good level of knowledge and, in there, you are always learning a lot of things.

And I think one disadvantages is that this school is very old, so a lot of the building furniture is very antiquated to this times.   

Lionel's Introduction

 Hello , my name is Lionel Vilaró. I am 17 years old. I am in fourth year of Chemistry and I really like going to the gym and I often play Metroidvania and Roguelite videogames such as Hollow Knight , Hades , The Binding of Isaac and Blasphemous but I don't have much free time because I need to study for chemistry exams. (SOS) 

 A primary advantage of IPS is the good variety of subjects and  the really dedicated teachers but a disadvantage is the state of the building.

 We hate our school , the IPS is a real prison for free souls that just want to enjoy their life ;').

Ignacio's Introduction

 Hello, my name is Ignacio Crispo. I am 16 years old. I am in fourth year of IT and I enjoy playing computer games with my friends and watching videos from YouTube in my free time . I sometimes play Minecraft and another games like Phasmophobia, UCH or Don't Starve with my friends but I don't have much free time because I need study for exams. 

We have a lot of diferents subjcets in my school and my favorite is programming. IPS is a huge school with a high level of education and this is a positive aspect about the school. A disadvantage of IPS is that it has a demanding timetable with short breaks.

Kiara's Introduction.

Hello, I'm Kiara Mantinian, I'm sixteen years old. Currently I'm in the Chemestry orientation, in which we go to the labs to do different experiments. I had some hobbies before, like horse riding and participated in some olympics, but after the pandemy I had to quit them.   A benefit of the institute is that you have a good viariety of possible orientations to choose. A drawback is that it consumes a lot of time.

Juan's Introduction.

 Hi my name is Juan Sopo, I'm sixteen and I study at Instituto Politecnico Superior since 2018.  I enjoy playing rugby, going to the gym, and  recently I begin learning  python, a programming language. I usually take some English classes out of the school once a week. The school is very demanding so, if you study here, you don't have a lot of free time. So, you must  choose your free time activities very carefully in order to have enough time to do everything that you want.  So, it is true that we spend a lot of time at the school, but at the same time, it gives you  another point of  view about some many things that it opens your mind.

School Tour

 Hey fellas!  It's super nice to see your school. You're invited to see ours now: Both schools look beautiful to me, but I can see m...